Adore Scrapbook Layout

Emily used the vignettes paper from the Field Notes collection as the base of her layout. She used the paper's design to her advantage by integrating the frames into her plan.

"The frames on the Vignettes paper are such a fabulous trend right now. I trimmed the centers from some of them surrounding the photos and create little 'framed' points of interest. Use SEI's fabulous foam tape to adhere the Vignette patterned paper to a coordinate backing of patterned paper."

"Little points of interest on a layout can be used to showcase bursts of patterned paper. Try creating a mini banner or layer strips together!"

Anyone doing something fun for April Fool's day tomorrow?

And the winners of the Spring Giveaway are.......

Dawn Corino

Heather Salsman

Cindi Elliot

Thank you to everyone who entered my giveaway.....It was tons of fun!!

I also wanted to mention that I have a "store" at the very bottom of my blog....Look DOWN!!!!! The cool thing about having my own store here is I can offer my products at a cheaper price because I'm not having to give TpT a cut :0)

Each item I list for sale here is discounted from my TpT store prices. So, if you are thinking about purchasing one of my products consider getting it from here and it will be cheaper. Just something to consider........

Fun Easter activity for the classroom

One of my favorite activities to do with my class each year is to have an Easter Egg hunt. I have them bring their baskets and all. The girls even wear their cute dresses and are all decked out! I love watching them bumble around in search of the plastic eggs.....But of course always I always try to keep it academic....

I've tried different ways to prepare the eggs. I've done the slips of paper in the eggs, problems/words written on the outside of the eggs, candy in the eggs, candy outside the eggs.......Here is what I find that works best for me....

I prepare plastic eggs with small cards inside the eggs. I have buckets of candy set up.

I made these super cute Easter Eggheads for our Easter Egg hunt and you can use them too! :0) All you have to do is print, cute, and place an egghead inside each plastic egg. This activity supports numeral identification.These adorable "eggheads" have numbers 0-100 written on them.

I place each egghead inside a plastic egg. Then, of course, I "hide" the eggs. In kinder I make them pretty easy to find or it will be a daylong event. I tell the kids you can find 5 eggs and send them on their way. As they find an egg, they open it and read the number....then they have to find another person and tell them the number too. Once they have done that, they can come choose a piece of candy to put in their basket. 

I've tried filling the eggs with candy and that doesn't work well here in Texas (we wind up with a lesson about what heat does to chocolate)...... Not a pretty sight...and if it doesn't melt - most of the candy ends up on the ground from eggs busting open.

I have learned having the kids search for eggs and then coming to get their candy from me works much better.

I hope you like this activity and find it useful! You can download these adorable number "eggheads" HERE!!

Thinking of You Layout

"I like to keep things very clean, simple, and minimal. This technique is especially effective when all you want to do is highlight a small detail or item in a photo. Here, I really wanted to highlight the stuffed animal, but still keep the surrounding elements in the photo to evoke calmness. The trick I usually use is to use pattern papers in the same color family but different tones to help highlight without overpowering the layout."

"I used the floral pattern paper and 'thinking of you' sticker from the Vanilla Sunshine collection which has some light blue tones to it. I also used the bright blue from Cheery Brights to create a banner which also had several tones of the turquoise in it. Lastly, to add to the calmness and highlight the bright colors from the photo further, I used a black cardstock for its background."

SEI April Desktop Calendar

With spring officially here, we're ready for budding flowers, happy colors and maybe even picnics. What's your favorite part of spring?

1024 x 768   1280 x 1024   1600 x 1200   1900 x 1200   2650 x 1440
ipod 640 x 960    ipad 1024 x 1024

As always let us know if you have any questions and thanks for using these!

Have a nice weekend!

Have a nice weekend
Ilaria Chiaratti 2012

April planner

Like I did in the past two months, here I am with the planner for the next month, April 2012 {time flies}.
I hope that you find useful these montly planners!
I wish you a nice weekend and a good new week, on Monday {and probably for the rest of the week} I'll be not here, finally we get the keys of the new house..hooray!
{news and updates on Twitter and Instagram}
download the planner HERE

Come ho fatto negli ultimi due mesi, eccomi qui ancora una volta con il planner per il prossimo mese, aprile 2012 {il tempo vola}.
Spero che troviate utili questi planner mensili!
Vi auguro di passare un bel fine settimana e una altrettanto buona nuova settimana, lunedì {e, probabilmente, per il resto della settimana} non sarò qui, finalmente ci danno le chiavi della casa nuova..evviva!
{news e aggiornamenti su Twitter e Instagram}
scarica il planner cliccando QUI
Ilaria Chiaratti 2012

Today..I'm here!

What a lovely surprise I had this morning!
Katia, from the blog Artoleria, wrote this peachy post comparing me to..Barbie! I have to admit that I'm more than flattered, since this was my favorite doll when I was a little girl.
Well, to be honest I'm not so tall+skinny+blonde..but I like the creative side, most important than the exterior one.
Thank you once again dear Katia, you made my day!

Che bella sorpresa ho ricevuto questa mattina!
Katia, del blog Artoleria, ha scritto questo delizioso post paragonandomi niente meno che..a Barbie! Devo ammettere che sono più che lusingata, visto che questa era la mia bambola preferita quando ero bambina.
Beh, a dire il vero non sono così alta + magra+ mi piace il paragone con il lato creativo, più importante di quello esteriore.
Grazie ancora una volta cara Katia, hai rallegrato la mia giornata!

La casa di Barbie
1976, Ed. Italiana Giunti Marzocco
{pictures from Artoleria blog}

Card Ideas from Club SEI

This month's Club SEI Card-making Kit includes so many fun products. In fact, after making all 10 cards instructions were given for, club members could also make all of these (and more) with their leftovers!

To learn more about Club SEI, see more details of this kit, or sign-up visit

Play Together & Stay Together

"I used my favourite new line Vanilla Sunshine for this layout - with its bright colours and fun embellishments I knew it would be perfect for a nice spring/summer layout - it just screams sunshine!!"

"I have been waiting for over 10 years to scrapbook these two photo's of my boys. Riding their Little Tykes cars up and down the sidewalk was one of their favourite things to do on a beautiful day. As soon as I saw Vanilla Sunshine I knew exactly what my first layout was going to be with it since I could never find a paper line that complemented them (and wasn't too girly) until now!! I look at these photo's I can't believe where the time has gone... and that at one time, my now teenage sons, actually DID get along LOL!!"

"I used the Honey Bubbles sheet and cut out the colours that I wanted to work with and I just love the result. This paper is gorgeous when it catches the light and the iridescent circles glow... just like rays of sunshine hitting my layout! I didn't want to many patterns to fight with my photo's so I used some of the more solid colour fabric swatches, some of the delicious washi tape (yes this is my absolute favourite!!) and sidewalk chalk paper for my title and some Silhouette work. I love how I added just the "and" sign from the letter sheet, with a little Sundries heart to add a pop of colour on an otherwise dark title! Adding a few of the die cut accents and some of embellishments was just enough to put the finishing touches on this layout!"

"Thanks so much for letting me share today... I hope you are all getting some beautiful sunshine where ever you are today!"

Music Appreciation T-shirts!

Tonight!  Wednesday, March 27 starting at 9pm at Laszlo, it's time to celebrate Bryan's birthday at The Good Life!  Let's fete him in grand style.  We'll have delicious cake and balloons and The Goonies!

We are rolling out our new 'Music Appreciation' shirts.  :-)  First 5 to attend and ask for a shirt, get a FREE one.  Otherwise, the shirts are $5 a pop.  Limited quantity.

Priority and commitments

These days, and I suppose also the next months, will be a little complicated for me. Too many things to do and not enough time!
I have the last project for the school to prepare, the one that I will show to the exam commission in june, I have to coordinate all the works in the new house and start to pack for the house moving.
And in the meantime the everyday life goes on, with all its commitments..I'm not complaining, I can't wait to start this adventure {and finish the school!}..I'm just realizing that I have to define my priority
My blog is very important, I love to write this diary and get in touch with my wonderful followers. So I'm sure you understand the situation, and forgive me if I'm not here every day. I'll do my best, I promise!

{below: my two favorite moments of the day, the morning and the crochet in the evening, when I finally have some relax}.

Questi giorni, e suppongo anche i prossimi mesi, saranno un po' complicati per me. 
Troppe cose da fare in troppo poco tempo!
Devo preparare l'ultimo progetto per la scuola, quello che dovrò presentare alla commissione d'esame alla fine di giugno, devo coordinare i lavori nella nuova casa e iniziare a preparare gli scatoloni per il trasloco.
E nel frattempo la vita quotidiana va avanti, con tutti i suoi impegni..non mi sto lamentando, non vedo l'ora di iniziare questa avventura {e di finire la scuola!}..mi sto solo rendendo conto che devo definire le mie priorità.
Il mio blog è molto importante, amo scrivere questo diario ed entrare in contatto con i miei splendidi followers. Perciò sono sicura che capirete la situazione e mi perdonerete se non sarò qui tutti i giorni. Farò del mio meglio, ve lo prometto!

{qui sotto: i miei due momenti preferiti della giornata, la mattina e l'uncinetto serale, quando finalmente mi rilasso un po'}.

Priority and commitments

Priority and commitments

Ilaria Chiaratti 2012
{Instagram app for iphone}

Just a Quick Note....Sale

I'm having a 15% sale on my entire TpT store for the next 4 days!!I have several Easter games as well as FREEBIES.

Don't miss out! Kindergarten Lifestyle's TpT Store.

May The Force Be WIth You :0)

Ok, all my Star Wars lovers out there listen up. I made this terrific new game that my kids are chomping at the bit to get into our Word Study center. This is a word wall game that allows for repeated exposure to those most important sight words.
Check it out! And....the best part - It's FREE!! Get it HERE.
I've been teaching the game in small groups this week and the kids are IN LOVE!

The kids choose a Star Wars character and try to collect "gold stars" (they are really gold spray-painted lima beans (the same ones I used for my Leprechaun Gold game). I love it when I can cut out extra work for myself :0)

When they draw a card with a star and read the word correctly, they get a "gold star" to put on their characters. However, beware of the "Black Hole" card - if you get this -- you lose ALL your "gold stars"............ Because there's a little luck involved - it keeps even the struggling readers engaged and optimistic they can WIN!!!

**This FREE game contains 39 kindergarten level word wall words. I have a 2nd grade version that is $3.95 because there are over 100 words included)**

Leigh Viner Art Print Giveaway!

Freelance artist & photographer Leigh Viner is "in love with fashion, the french language, coffee and making you smile .... oh and hopes to live in Europe someday, why not." Leigh's beautiful work has been featured in many magazines, on the sets of television shows and she has collaborated with Lady Gaga, Unicef and VH1 Save the Music Foundation (just to name a few).

I have two of Leigh's amazing art prints hanging in my home & am thrilled that she has offered to give away one of her prints to a Lifestyle Bohemia blog reader! The winner will get to select any standard size print from Leigh Viner's shop - how amazing is that!

Day to Night (hanging on the gallery wall in my living room)

Silence and Noise (hanging in my office)




Sunset Fog (I plan on purchasing this piece next)

Here's how to enter:

- Follow Lifestyle Bohemia
- Visit Leigh Viner's shop & leave a comment below letting me know which of her pieces is your favorite

Additional (optional) entries:
- Follow Leigh Viner's blog, Create
- Follow Leigh Viner on Twitter
- Share this giveaway on Twitter
- Share this giveaway on your own blog


A big thank-you to Leigh for offering to give away one of her gorgeous prints. This giveaway will run through April 9, 2012. Good luck!

(all images via Leigh Viner)

"Change" Scrapbook Layout

We love all the beautiful and clever ideas our design team shares each month. Aren't they amazing ladies? Speaking of which, check out the way Amy cut up the frame paper from this collection to use like little hanging frames. Brillant!

"I absolutely loved all of the bold and beautiful patterned papers in the new Field Notes Collection. However I couldn't decide on just one bold patterned paper to use! So I got out my trusty craft knife and extracted pieces of my favorite patterned papers so that I could use them all on one page."

"I used two of my favorite papers to create the pieced background for my page. Then I extracted the frames from one piece of paper and the butterflies from another. I chose some bold solids to use inside of my frames and to punch up the color in my layout."

"To help my title really stand out on the page I sprayed my corrugate cardboard alphas with black Tumble Dye mist and allowed them to cry completely before adding them to my layout."

"I also used a variety of tags and journaling stickers from this collection to spread my journaling in bits throughout the page."'

New Easter Freebie ......

for your and your kids' playing pleasure! :0)

Mary from Mrs. Lirette's Learning Detectives is having a great Spring Thing linky party - check it out. Here's my contribution:

Ok I thought I was done making Easter stuff - I'm pretty Eastered-out :0) But I stumbled upon some super adorable graphics and couldn't resist. I can see my kiddos trying to snack on them already...... They are definitely YUMMY!

I thought I'd share this cute Easter-themed word wall memory game - perfect for kindies! Check it out and tell me what you think!!