Kids Say the Darndest Things....

Isn't that a great idea for a  super fun linky party????!!!!
Boy that little saying carries a big punch if you're a teacher!! I swear I could write a book with all the cute.....and sometimes scary things my kiddos say to me....

The other day I was talking to one of my students about her upcoming birthday. She was telling me how excited she was......and then.....she almost screamed, "Mrs. Partin, I want a pair of booty heels for my birthday!" Well, first of all, I nearly choked on my turkey sandwich...but after I regained my composure I asked, What do you want?" (because I was in denial that I actually heard what I thought I heard)..

She again repeated, "I want booty heels just like Mrs. So-and-So wears - you know her booty heels!" I started rehearsing in my mind how I was going to explain to her that wasn't an appropriate thing to say in school. About that time Mrs. So-and-So walked into the cafeteria and I almost bursted into laughter...... Mrs.So-and-So was wearing boots that had high heels :0) AAHHHHH...... Out of the mouth of babes :0)

This got me thinking......What silly things have you heard??
Please join my linky party! It is sure to be super fun:0)  After you have linked up leave a comment below with your Pinterest username and I can put you on the Pinterest board where you can pin your story too!!!

Just save the top image and insert a text box to type your story (use a larger font).