Heather's Pinterest

Hi there. I’m back again to share with you something that you are probably familiar with already and if you’re like me, you might be a little addicted to it. I’m talking about Pinterest. If you’re not familiar with it, it’s a social bookmarking site that allows you to pin just about anything you see on the Internet.

So let’s get started...you can create your own pinboards and name them whatever you want. I’m going to share some projects from a few of my boards. Disclaimer: I haven’t tried each and every one of these items but I plan to soon. You can see all of my boards and/or follow me on Pinterest to see more of my favorite goodies.

Yumminess Board

Doesn’t this lemonade with raspberry ice cubes look refreshing?

Baked cream cheese spaghetti casserole
I made this dish last week. It was super easy and the entire family loved it; sadly there were no leftovers for lunch the next day

Kidlets Board

Check out these great ideas to make kid’s food more interesting. The site also includes other school lunch creative food ideas.

Looking for fun things to do with the kids that won’t break the bank? This site has wonderful ideas…

Junk in the Trunk Board

Chocolate chip cookies
My friend Lisa posted this recipe and I made them this weekend. Wow, they were melt in your mouth delicious!

Rainbow cupcakes
These make me want to sing Somewhere over the Rainbow. How cute are they?

DIY Craftiness Board
This is where I pin most of the tutorials I want to try, like handmade flowers, mini albums and so much more.

This Reverse Canvas Wall Pockets is super fab and looks easy to make.

Photography / Photoshop Board
Every time we take family photos, I always struggle with what colors to wear and what patterns to mix.
This photographer eliminiates the guess work.

31 days to better photos
I am soo doing this in March

For the Home Board
I have frames sitting on the floor by my walls and staircase and struggled with the best arrangement without putting nails in the wall until I knew I’d like the arrangement. This is next on my honey-do list thanks to this inspiration.

I saved the best for last because it just cracks me up but it has some great tips...
How to Have a {fake} immaculate house

Those are just a few of the thousands of things I have pinned and the countless pins others have posted. If you’ve never tried Pinterest, you need to be invited to join. I have yet to figure out why but it is what it is. If you’d like an invite, leave me a comment on my blog and I’ll send you an invite. Happy Pinning!

xoxo Heather
The Spotted Leopard