What's better than a $25 Walmart gift card???

 How about a chance to win one of 2 Walmart gift cards? Serious - I am giving away 2 $25 Walmart gift cards!! Everybody loves Walmart, right?!

Ok, so I have to admit I definitely have a LOVE/HATE relationship with Walmart.... :0) But in the end, it seems like I spend more time there than I do at home.... 

I thought a couple of$25 dollar gift cards might be useful to a few of you.... especially this time of year......(Have you ever noticed as a parent how much money schools get from us in the Spring?? -- Gosh between class pictures, field trips, field day shirts, and everything else.......WoW.....now I'm thinking I need these gift cards :0)...........Ok...Ok -- I'm offering you a chance to win them instead!

What do you have to do to earn a chance to win??

1. Sign up for my newsletter (Click the tab at the top that says, "Newsletter Sign-up + Freebies" - fill out the tiny form... My next newsletter (sent once a month) will arrive right to your email inbox. The really cool thing about that is I give out EXCLUSIVE FREEBIES in my newsletter.

2. Make sure you follow my blog using the Google Friend Connect or Networked Blogs....or both :0)

3. Make sure you "like" my Facebook Fan Page for Kindergarten Lifestyle

4. Blog about my giveaway and/or share it on Facebook. 
Pretty simple, huh??
Well.......what are you waiting for get to entering!!!! :0)

a Rafflecopter giveaway