A CrAzY day in Kindergarten

All I ever needed to know about Kindergarten I learned from2 Crazy Texas Teachers! 
We are CrAzY excited to be guest bloggers for the very first time!

Morning Meeting – it’s a nice starter to look at today, anew day, a great day, a CrAzY day! We cover everything during this time…alittle math, word work, writing. The kids grab their calendar journals and wecomplete it together. The calendar journal is one of our favorite things! Ithas so many wonderful learning reinforcements!

Writing - We love to use the writing prompt paper we havecreated! It already has a picture prompt started. It gives them a startingpoint with their plan. We always turn on “writing music”. They know when thatmusic is on, they are quiet.  Ifthey finish before the music is off they know to add to the picture, add moresentences or color more. We then take turns sharing. We usually pick 3-4 toshare a day and all have a chance to share by weeks end. Those that don’t sharewith the class get a chance to Turn & Talk with a neighbor. We feel theyworked hard and deserve the validation of sharing daily. We just don’t have thetime to have them share with me daily.

Word Work - We use the printable books from Hubbard’sCupboard and LOVE them. They are thematic and have great use of the sightwords.  The kids get a “monsterfinger” (we got our class set at Party City) and they use it to voice printmatch as we read the book. Check out ourblog for all the fun ways we learn sight words. One of our favorite things for word work is what we call the It Page. Here is what they do to practice theweekly sight words: Trace It, Make It, Write It, Code It and Find It. Can yousee where we got the name? They also write the sight words with Wiki Stiks,Play-doh and Secret Sight Word. They have the opportunity to compete 1-2 parts aday so at the end of the week they are done. Because we are so honored to beguest blogging, we have attached one of our It Pages for you! Click here!

Math - We LOVE teaching these CrAzY kids all about Math in oureveryday world.  It’s can be somuch fun for them if you put a little time into your lesson. Here are a fewCrAzY fun ideas to take back with you into your classroom.  Shapes- 3D shapes with food- Super fun way to teach andreinforce 3D shapes.  Hersheykisses for cones, cubed cheese for cubes, mini marshmallows for cylinders, andwhoppers for spheres.  Measurementusing gummy worms.  They have tofind one in the bag they think is the longest, one that’s the shortest, measurethem, and then tell them “what happens if we stretch it?!” ohhhh… then let themtake a bite and measure again!  Andanother bite and measure again! What happened to it’s length?! CrAzY fun!Adding & Subtracting -  We playthe Buggy Addition and Buggy Subtraction games.  We love them in whole group and in workstations.  They LOVE it and so do we! 
Thanks forletting us share our CrAzY day!