Happy April Fools' Day to everyone!!  Well, I promise not to pull any tricks on you!
I have 2 fabulous blogs to share with you today!
I want to introduce you to Tangelia from Buggy in Kindergarten. She is definitely a teacher after my own heart - one of her latest posts is about word wall games......I LOVE THAT!! She is a new blogger - go check her out! I am now following her on Pinterest!!
 She also has some really cute Spring things!!! I'd post a blog button, but she doesn't have one yet...... by the way, Tangelia....we have to talk -- you gotta get a bloggie button!! :0)

Another great blogger, who is a friend of mine is Yvonne from MixMinder. I love this site! She has a TON....and I mean a TON of freebie stuff on there -- from handwriting sheets to alphabet and number writing practice -- plus lesson plans. Great resource to bookmark! She has taught in the U.S., Hungary, Slovakia....and currently lives and teaches in France. Woo-weee!! I call that well-traveled! Stop by and have look around her site!  ......and Yvonne no blog button either......:0)

Anyways, I really hope you enjoy these sites - I think they are precious!