You know you're a teacher when......

you get excited about a new stapler!!! But, I can't help it! This stapler is so darn wonderful!

I heard about this Swingline stapler from a review that Michelle fromKinderFun was doing. I thought she was being silly because she was so excited about a stapler. Now I am a convert. I love it too!

I bought mine at Walmart for $9.99 and it was well worth it. I seem to be hard on staplers and this one seems really well-made. It is metal, which I like. Even though it's metal - it is super light!
And when you staple.......oh my is sooo easy!!!
This is the best stapler I've had....smooth stapling. I can staple a stack on paper books and my hand is not tired or achy.

The only thing I don't like is you cannot open the stapler to use on bulletin boards. But for stapling paper - it's perfect!!!

I, too, would also recommend this stapler to any teacher. :0)