Spinning: Good for Memory?

This is perhaps one of the craziest things I've ever heard of...... have your kids spin themselves dizzy to help them get better at remembering?? (This gets me thinking about some of my dizzy darlings......and you want me to have them literally make themselves dizzy??)

There are actually a group of teachers that really believe this works..... Check out what I   found on Pinterest about this.
Research indicates that three minutes of spinning could quadruple memory tracks among children! A Sit 'n' Spin is not necessary, either - just have kids spin in place in the direction of their dominant hands after learning. You'll be amazed at the results.      *PARENTS: If your child is having trouble with spelling tests, try having him/or her spin after studying them. Mothers have come back and told me it is the first time their children EVER made 100 on their spelling tests!
One kinder teacher created a game out of this called, "Spinner Winner". After reciting and practicing word wall words, she had all the kids spin round and round in the direction of their dominant hands. As they become dizzy they sit in a protected area and cheer the others on while they spin (about 3 minutes). The last one spinning is the winner....

This is also something parents can try with their own kiddos at home.....

Crazy??? Maybe........But would it hurt to try?

I could see perhaps giving this a shot with a couple of my tutoring kids.