Guest Blogger: Heather Leopard

Please give a warm welcome to Heather Leopard! We are happy to have this creative lady join us for the week as our guest blogger. She has lot's of fun ideas and projects in store!

We are also having a special giveaway all week long. To enter to win some products from our brand new Field Notes collection, just leave no more than one comment on each blog post this week. That means you have up to 5 entries!

Hi there. I'm a WAHM (work at home mom) so I get the best of both worlds - a career and flexibility to volunteer at school but most importantly, I am home every morning and afternoon when the kids get home from school. My hubby and I have three wonderful children - David 15, Rheagan 8 and Reese 3.

I've been documenting memories since I can remember but became obsessed with it in 2010. My style is eclectic a.k.a random. I have no other way to describe my style because I feel that if I do I will limit myself. Instead, I go where the pictures, paper and embellishments take me. Sometimes it involves lots of layering and sometimes I go for clean & simple. In saying that, I have seen a pattern: lots of color, paint and/or misting, hand or machine stitching and I fussy cutting any chance I get. My go-to projects are layout but I try to mix in cards and altered projects as often as I can. You can find my work on my blog, The Spotted Leopard.

A few more things about me:
· I’m an only child with terrific parents and a very close extended family.
· I’m a native Texan and have lived here all my life but you won’t find country on my SUV’s pre-sets. Don’t get me wrong – I love Willie and Waylon and the boys – classic country, but I prefer rock, which leads to this...
· I’m a huge Rob Thomas / Matchbox Twenty music fan – their music touches my soul.
· I’m quite adventurous – kayaking in crocodile infested waters, roller coasters, snow/water skiing and scuba diving (I’ve encountered hammerhead and nurse sharks among other creatures down there). I love a thrill! There's more I'd love to try, like skydiving, but won't now that I have kids. Too risky!

Thanks for taking the time to get to know me. I am so excited to share my scrappy obsession with you this week. I hope I can inspire you!