Want to become a blogger?

I have gotten many questions about how I got into teacher blogging.... It's funny how I got started. I wanted to share with you my story of how I entered the teacher blogging world :0) My journey started really only 2 months ago when I found Charity Preston and the Teaching BLOG Traffic School. Here is my story:

Since I became a teacher 8 years ago I have made a ritual of searching the Internet for great teaching ideas to use in my classroom. I love getting great ideas from teachers across the world.... I remember from way back in 2004 going to all the great teacher websites like J Meacham, Kelly's Kindergarten, Teaching Heart, etc. They were great sites (and still are). But then I saw things begin to change.......

As time went on and things began changing, I noticed that the once-static teacher websites were changing.....and becoming blogs. I remember several years ago I wanted a website - partly as a place to organize my ideas, templates, etc - partly to share with other teachers too. This new blogging thing threw me for a loop. I thought it was harder to find things I was searching for and just looked so different. It took time for me to get used to the "new blogs". However, when I got used to how blogs were set up - I fell in love with their ability to have an ongoing conversation between the author and visitors - much more so than the old "static" websites.

I started LOVING being a blog stalker.... Oh the ideas......but I had ideas of my own that I wanted to share. I wanted to be more a part of the ongoing conversations I found in blogging. I knew this was a kind of professional development that I wanted to take a journey into. 

I dabbled in blogging a few times in 2010 and 2011, but just couldn't get the hang of it. I needed more direction, more hand-holding, more support and collaboration. I knew I didn't want to blog if no one would even see my posts (what's the point to that?). I wanted to share and I wanted to have my own conversations with great teachers. So, over Christmas break 2011 I found the answer to what I was looking for........that is when I found Charity Preston, owner of the Organized Classroom Blog. I have to say I'd never heard of her before, but I found a video where she was describing how to create and operate a blog.....and I knew I wanted to hear more.

As I got more into her Teaching BLOG Traffic School video series (which is FABULOUS by the way) I started seeing the success using what she teaches. She really is amazing! I entered the "secret" Facebook Group she created just for TBTS members. There I found other teacher bloggers just like me - ones that are SUPER successful! I get to learn from all the great top teacher bloggers and I get their support as well. This group is almost like a family and it is so supportive. Being a newbie to blogging, I have so many questions.....I can go to the "secret" TBTS group and ask all the questions I want. I love it! Plus, I've made great friends with other teachers in the blogging world!

Over the last month or so (remember I haven't been doing this but about 2 months) I have been getting questions about blogging and how do I do this?, how do I get started?, how will other teachers find me?, etc...... (which I find funny since I am still a newbie). But it is a testament to how well any teacher can pick up and start a blog and get it going quickly - but you got to have support from others. You cannot do it by yourself.... at least I could not.

So, are you like me - wanting to get into blogging, but dumbfounded as to how to start? If so, please take a look at the Teaching BLOG Traffic School and see what you think. This is the only post I will make about this (because my purpose is in sharing teaching ideas, but since I keep seeing people that have questions about blogging I thought it might be helpful. I really believe in what Charity says as it has proven real to me in the last 2 months. :0)

The Teaching BLOG Traffic School video series and "secret" Facebook group costs $37 (that's it no more ever!). Because I love what I've learned and the connections I've made thanks to her program I asked to be an affiliate. If you look at the link and decide to purchase, I will make a little something for referring you (I really don't even know what :0) I just know this program helped me enter this amazing field and I want to share that with you! Some people aren't interested in becoming a blogger and that is fine too!!!

I look forward to having more conversations, sharing more great teaching ideas, and learning more from other great teachers around the globe. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your teaching life. I am so glad you are a part of mine!
Teaching Blog Traffic School