Love Layout & Card

Melissa used a masking technique with Tumble Dye on these two projects. She masked out the word "love" in the layout and the heart shapes on the card. She explains how to do it...


"I placed some chipboard letters down and sprayed over the lower right hand corner with the SEI mist. I pulled the alphabet stickers back up and this became my title block. I also created my own tags from the pattern paper and placed a strip of them beneath my photo. Each tag then had an embellishment glued to it."

The Promise Me stickers tie in with this layout perfectly.

Melissa used the Promise Me papers to create her tags.


"On this little card, I punched out some hearts and laid them on the map pattern paper. I lightly sprayed over it with the SEI mist and then carefully pulled the hearts back up. In the bigger misted hearts, I placed a vellum heart for some added dimension!"