High Stakes Testing Link up!

 I found this great linky party about high stakes testing (Should I say it???? yeah why not, it is our reality, right?).

Jennifer over at Empowering Little Learners has a great post about the testing she has to do as a kinder teacher in Arizona (oh my goodness!!)..... So sad that we have to pressure our little ones so much.....but I guess it is what it is :0/

Soooo.... without further delay here is the break-down where I teach:

I am a kindergarten teacher in Texas. In kindergarten we give the following tests:
1. Diagnostic tests - given beginning, middle, and end of the year. These tests are used to determine our at-risk kiddos in math only. It consists of 10 questions that deal mainly with number recognition and counting. Pretty easy!

This test takes approximately 5-7 minutes to take. 

2. State Literacy Test - This test is also given 3 times a year - beginning, middle, and end of the year. We have a new state-mandated test that is computer-based (alternative to TPRI). The kids get on the computer and test on letters, sounds, beginning sounds of words, blending, listening comprehension, and vocabulary. These tests are interactive, but it is so hard letting a 5 year old be in control....They often don't understand what is being asked or they are more interested in what their neighbor is doing, etc..... I wished the test were given on a 1 to 1 basis. The results of this test determine whether the kids are "at-risk" for reading difficulty. It is also what we, as teachers, are judged on in the district. 

This test takes approximately 20 minutes to take.

3. DRA - this is an informal assessment given in class on an as-needed basis. DRA is like Rigby or Dibels. Each child reads a text and we do a running record. Our students are expected to leave kindergarten on level 6. Currently, most of my students are on level 4. I do have a lower group on 3's and a high 
group on 10's. 

This test takes approximately 10 minutes to take.

We used to receive a "bonus" if our class scored exceptionally high; however, with the recent budget cuts, that has been eliminated.

Well....that is about it for kinder! That is also one of the reasons I love kinder! I worry each year that it will be the year that we start benchmarking kinders.....so far so good....I just think it's sad that we put so much emphasis on 
testing and scores. 

I am super excited to see what kinds of testing everyone else does. So, hop on  over to Empowering Little Learners  and join the linky to let us know :0)