Art Studio Picks: Cami

Art. Nature. Fashion. I am inspired by it all. Here are a few things I am obsessed with right now.

1. Party Time
My little girl is turning 8 this month and it is a very special birthday for her. I am in full on party planning mode. She loves balloons and all things frilly.
Giant Balloon with Streamers: These balloons are so fun. You can purchase them at Geronimo Balloons but there is also a great tutorial for the do-it-yourself people out there.
Lace Crown: What party would be complete without a pretty lace crown? It’s what every party going princess needs.
Garland: Genius idea. Dixie cups, paper, and a string of lights. Here's the how-to.
Table: I love everything on this table.
Favor: And as a thank you for coming to the party……individualized cake pops.

2. DIY
I enjoy learning how to do new things. Here are a few DIY’s I would like to try.
Stamps: These stamps are made using Jenga game pieces. Another option is wrapping yarn around a wood block. It is so simple and has a really cool effect.
Bobby Pins: These vintage bobby pins are adorable. Just hit the thrift store and salvage some old buttons and costume jewelry.
Modern Art: I am thinking that this DIY modern art print would look great in my room. This tutorial comes from the blog How About Orange. If you haven’t visited this blog you should check it out.
Terrarium: This time of year I really start to miss the flowers in my garden. This is a way to bring the outdoors indoors.

3. I'd Wear That
There are so many great things happening in fashion right now. Here are a few things I have had my eye on.
Red Pants: This is a trend I have explored. I dig my red skinny jeans and they are surprisingly versatile.
Teal Pants: This might have to be my next fashion adventure.
Stripes: I am a sucker for a good stripe. Stripes and skinny jeans are my go to outfit. The girl in this picture has a great blog. Her style is fun and unique.
Scarf: This scarf is great. I love the colors and pattern.
Bracelets: Both of these bracelets from Minoux and TopShop make me think of spring.
Mixing Patterns: This is a way to make your outfit a bit more interesting.

It’s been fun writing this post. It is nice to know that the hours I have spent on Pinterest were not in vain. All of my featured inspiration were previous pins. I will now be able to tell my husband that the time spent on Pinterest was work related and my pins were put to good use.