My story from the great beyond.....

Well..... I'll be missing in action for the next couple days :0(
Yesterday night my husband got home from work, got on his computer. (Of course, I am already on mine)......And our Internet goes from Fine to Flop! We could still get on, but it was SLOWWW!!!! GRRR.......
So, my husband calls up the Internet company to try to fix the problem. Well, the Internet company flips a few switches and we got NUTHIN', NADA!!! Thanks Internet company from the Dark Ages..... GRRRR.....
So, the Internet Company from the Dark Ages (which I affectionately call them) are coming out Tuesday to fix it.....but until then, we are living in the Dark Ages. Man, it takes me back to the way life was in the 80's :0) My kids think we are in Armageddon without Internet.....(there idea of roughin' it).
So, with the exception of my IPhone I am now Internet-less until Tuesday:0(