best of atlanta craigslist: edition 49

You know I would have an affair with inlay.  

These could be totally rad.

I heart brass.

a pair of solid mahogany mirrors?  I would paint these a moody dark blue-gray. LOVE

If you'd like help designing a home you absolutely love, contact me about design services.  You can also follow me on twitter & see what I am saying on facebook


If my eyes were a camera I would have 1000 pictures from last two weeks.
Working on an apartment for the moment, so I am shopping 24/24 :-)
Work in progress, but i bought some beauty's also for my little place.
Eye candy will follow when the day light is good, in the evening it's too dark

Neo guesthouse photo-shoot

Hello everybody,

For the moment I am a bit busy because I am working on the interior of a friend. Some pictures will find their way to the internet, when the works are progressing :-)

But meanwhile I won a photoshoot with AirBNB

I know that the pictures are sometimes a bit strange, but the photographer tried to capture as much as possible.

Hopefully you find them nice. It's my little world.


Hello, today I saw a guy on the street with a nice t-shirt from I love Berlin. So I think it's a sign to blog about the pictures I take in Berlin but didn't show you yet.
Enjoy them!!!!!

PS: sofie you're busted ;-)