Update of my place

I can't tell how happy I am. The only sad point is that I almost have never time to write an article.
Just back from Paris and soon I fly away to Mexico for two weeks :-)
Work, the B&B and shopping for other people absorb almost all of my time.
Oke I am not to complain, always traveling or shopping. But every evening I know why I fall asleep.

Here are some pictures for my little world.

New york New York!!!!!!

He lives my dream, well one of them ( I have so many dreams). Living in such a nice apartment above an even nicer shop. Where do I have to sign to get all this :-). No honestly, that man has an incredible taste. Off course he worked hard to get all this. But as always the New York Social Diary did it well also. I just love the furniture, the Ado Chale is stunning, I love his work, luckely he's from Brussels :-)

Neo garden

One of the big projects of the apartment was also to redo the garden, it was not ugly, but way to minimalistic for me. In my dining-room I have almost a whole wall of windows, so I want to enjoy my garden all year around when I am looking at it from inside. So I choose for plants who stay green even during the winter times.

Here are the results and the before pictures ;-)
I am already very happy of the result, so it will be perfect in one years time.

Accomodation in Zurich

This is the last post about Zurich, it's also the post about were I stayed. My friends have always another interior style than I do. And I can honestly say that I like that. I like all styles when it's well done. In Zurich it was minimalistic all the time and it was perfect. But I know if I would stay a month for example it would not stay like that.
I bought also a nice copper bowl and a wine opener at "brockenhaus"