New item to my b&b

Ok, I have to admit every time I buy something I can have the excuse. "It's not for me, it's for the business". I feel guilty, but come on. Would you feel guilty to buy those two little baby's to your place.
They aren't yet displayed like the should be, but that will follow soon. I know myself, it's always work in progress.

Have a good weekend all!!

I am off to spend a weekend. Here is a picture of some fresh flowers at home. It will be a productive weekend. So see you very soon ;-)

Fresh from NY

What an apartment!!! I think there is nothing i don't like about it. Oke it's very masculine, but come one. Be honest, isn't it wonderful. It's not huge and still full of style and very nice objects like the basalt. Thanks to the new york social diary again ;-) What a nice couple and they have such a cute pug. I dream of one of my own ;-)

It's spring!!!

Finally, we start to enjoy the sun. God we need it :-)
I enjoyed it a lot this weekend. The garden is almost empty and ready for the big works very soon.
Here are some pictures of my "spring".

Disco High School Rawk

Dear friends,

Hello again!

A lot of things cooking this week.  Please join me at one of these events, each of which is free.  Thanks so much!

Sincerely, Tony

THURS : 03/24 : 9p-2a / 800 Larkin St. : Disco/Funk/R&B : BETTER DAYS : This one is for dancing!  Party with Mitch aka Dj Yeah Right and me for the *re-boot* of this night focused on downtown club sounds centered around 1976-83 sprinkled with funk and soul music from all eras.  This one is truly a labor of love.  We've been trying to get this night off the ground and find like-minded people to support it.  We'll stretch out and take you from terra firma to outer space!  Think Studio 54 vs. the Funhouse circa New Order's Confusion.  To get an idea of what's going on check out Mitch's Hello Disco blog.

FRI : 03/25 : 6p-10p / Beauty Bar : Anything goes/High School record collections : EARLY! : East Bay Invasion!  Liz & Michael join Amedee & me as guest djs this month!  Show them some *love* and start your weekend with our monthly happy hour party!  We'll bust out records from our early days of collecting as well as new additions.  Fabulous Jason El D serves up the delicious cheap drinks. 

SUN : 03/27 : 9p-2a / Laszlo : Music to storm the castle to :  SUPERROCK x LIFE/STYLE : This month is a special one as we celebrate Bryan Riate aka Steady B's birthday.  We're gonna go beyond *thunderdome* on this one and bring out even more sounds to defeat the forces of boredom and bad magic.  As always, one of most favorite dudes around, Bryan Ranere, hosts and kicks some jams, too.  Guitars are still our specialty, but expect some surprise on this night.  Oh and give the birthday boy his hits!  Cult films always shown.

It's not my fault I like beauty!!

With this famous phrase from Valentino I start my article today. Every time I buy a new object I think about that phrase. And it's true, Ok, I have a lot of space in my apartment. But on this rhythm it will be full in one year ;-)
Luckely I sell sometimes also some object so I can buy even nicer stuff.
Here are some new items in my apartment, I will take some more pictures this week of them in the space.