Merry Christmas

Thanks for all the nice little messages I received. And I would want to say Merry Christmas to everybody but then it will take me three weeks. So everybody who reads my blog or all the blog I read and thats a lot ;-) MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! I hope you all enjoyed Christmas with family and friends like I did.

And off course like we all love some eye candy, here are some pictures I took on the way from work to home friday afternoon, because I work during the holidays this year, so no holidays for me. The Royal palace of Brussels centre and the royal Warande Park all covered in snow, isn't it nice, even if it really dangerous, because I felt on my ass already once last week :-)

Why cry, it's so good at rue de Naples

Yes why being sad if have something wonderful instead. I really love my new place and I will proof it. No I didn't made a dirty photo-shoot. I just mean some interior pic's to try to catch the atmosphere.

Goodbye Lemonnier :'-(

Some of you will think it's stupid, but last week I had to hand over the keys of my old apartment. Off course there was all the stuff to move over to my new place. But they most important was forgot, I had to leave it to the new girl I choose. She will take care of my baby, she don't repaint the apartment, so she is keeping my design colors :-) And I even sold here some of my furniture. So some old friends will stay in the apartment, like my big old oak wardrobe stays there. Well I had some fantastic moments there, I will never forget those precious moment. I even started my blog in that bedroom.

Kisses, good bye Boulevard Maurice Lemonnier apartment :'-( I will never forget you and I am sure I am not alone.