Brafa 2011 press conference

Yesterday I had a day off from work but thats doesn't mean I had nothing to do. First I had to make a nice breakfast to my B&B guest. And after that I had to run to Antwerp to assist at the press conference of the BRAFA edition 2011. The conference started with a breakfast and sad news. The president of honour Madame Zeberg died after a cancer. She was a great lady with a wonderful shop in Antwerp behind the Cathedral.

This year the BRAFA will expose some new exhibitors and also some masterpieces from the collection of the Mayer Van Den Bergh Museum in Antwerp.

After the conference we received a tour in this wonderful museum and a walking dinner with champagne.

I am sure the edition of 2011 will be even better than last year. But I will have to wait till the end of january before it starts.

Here are some pictures of the museum.