Three Easy Pieces

Mark Brecke's B/W photos from the L/S 1 Year Anniversary Party:

Dear friends,

Last week proved that you guys were itching to bust out, and YOU DID.  The club was packed, both inside and on the adjacent sidewalks.  Lots of women wearing skimpy summer fashions which certainly made the men of SF very happy.  Actually for a minute or so it felt like it was summer in Manhattan.  So many people were out!  Thanks again for coming and making the night AWESOME.  On a side note, special thanks to Carson for making us a mixtape.  Yes, a mixtape on an actual cassette!  We've been listening to it all week, and it's rad.  (Maybe he should guest dj?!)

Invariably the last week of the month is a busy time for us here at Life/Style.  More often than not, we are hit with the trifecta known as LIFE/STYLE on Thursday, EARLY on Friday, a little break on Saturday, and SUPERROCK on Sunday.

On Tuesday, we celebrate our dear friends, Juliet and MT's birthdays.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Wednesday's new tradition is dinner & some luxury soul at Triple Crown with the SweaterFunk crew.  So good!

L I F E / S T Y L E , Thursday, March 25, 10p-2a, Beauty Bar, 2299 Mission St

This Thursday at LIFE/STYLE, The Selecter dj Kirk returns for his regular spot in our rotation.  Look for him to bring some aspects of other club nights he spins at, but he'll also stretch out with many things you don't hear him spin anywhere else.  Needless to say, we are EXCITED!

E A R L Y , Friday, March 26, 6p-10p, Beauty Bar, 2299 Mission St

On Friday, Amedee and I return for our monthly happy hour party, EARLY!  Debuting this month behind the decks : Arlo from the Junior Panthers!  This party is usually a drunken, dance-y mess.  So come early, stay till the end and make sure you grab a taco or some food from Baobob to soak up the alcohol.

S U P E R R O C K, Sunday, March 28, 9p-2a, Laszlo, 2526 Mission St

Sunday we wind wind down with SUPERROCK.  I'm not exactly sure who is guesting with me for this month's edition.  Maybe Alex will come out with his drum pad and his new timbales?!  Regardless, I'll be playing all the stuff I don't play at my other gigs while Glenn serves up very tasty, well-made cocktails.  Our gracious host Bryan R. will probably get in on the action, too.  As usual, I'll be showing a movie or two.  This time it will be Silence of the Lambs.  It's classic!

See you at one, some, or all of these gigs or at the various other rad things going on in our fine city.

yf, Ts